A Food Snapshot

BySimply Shrinking

A Food Snapshot

One of the biggest things that was quite daunting for me at the start of my weight loss journey was this huge cascading flood of outlandish recipes displayed with a minute left of details across fitness social media.  My Mother has always brought usRead More

Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide

BySimply Shrinking

Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide

So as of Monday, I will have 6 weeks until my trip to Las Vegas and will be trying my absolute best to eat well and workout consistently before then as I have a whole bikini collection to show off by the poolRead More

How To Get Started

BySimply Shrinking

How To Get Started

The biggest hurdle I think a lot of people have to overcome when they want to lead a healthier lifestyle is the first hurdle of actually getting started or even knowing where to start. I think it was always the biggest let down forRead More

5 Favourite Fitness Apps & Teryaki Chicken

BySimply Shrinking

5 Favourite Fitness Apps & Teryaki Chicken

I finally have my own desk space in our new house so hopefully (after months of promises) I can finally write on here with a bit more predictability! This post is going to be on my 5 favourite fitness apps for workouts, foodRead More

Food Ideas & Eating Cheaply

BySimply Shrinking

Food Ideas & Eating Cheaply

I've decided to make a blog post which includes some of my regular main meals/snacks and how I shop to save money because frequently I've had questions about how expensive people find it to eat healthy or that they can't get hold ofRead More

Magazines - Killing Their Readership

BySimply Shrinking

Magazines - Killing Their Readership

I am so sorry I haven't been posting for so long! I'm kind of getting into the swing of things at my new job and I'm also trying to finalise my Master's Degree thesis which is a killer.  I got the idea forRead More

5 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

BySimply Shrinking

5 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

In the midst of all my job applications and the Christmas rush, I'm trying to keep my blog as active as I can because of all the positive things people have said about it. Hello if you're a prospective employer having a snoopRead More